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2Gran TV is a channel created to make you aware of the Jamaican Dancehall Videos. So, when you visit my channel you will be able to see interesting and fun Jamaica Dancehall  Videos, Listen Reggae Music,

 I was inspired to become a videographer around 20 years ago, and ever since I have recorded hundreds of videos. My videos are aimed to capture the party culture of Jamaica, so on my youtube channel you will see best dancehall videos of  weekly parties which could include weekly parties arranged in Kingston Jamaica, Boom Early Sundays, Uptown Monday, Boasy Tuesdays,  Weddy Weddy, Fantasy Wednesday, Day Rave Thursday, Whappingz Thursday, Boatrides Clubbing stage shows and more.

Jamaican night life is full of music, fun and adventure but the true essence is never really captured. With videos and audio on my channels you will be able to see famous dancer DJ party events and a real picture of How We Party Every night in Jamaica and how we life nightlife

2Gran TV is a space for the protection and advocacy of Dancehall music video, culture, mores and artistes. We strongly believe in the continuation of Dancehall both locally and internationally, and the overall acceptance of a culture rooted in the expression of the lives of the Jamaican people.

Dancehall is a genre of Jamaican popular music that originated in the late 1970s. Initially dancehall was a more  sparse version of reggae than the roots style, which had dominated much of the 1970s.
